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 Bi Syndrome
 Frozen Shoulder
 Lin Syndrome
 Poor Memory
 Pulmonary TB
 Seminal Emission
 Sinus Problem
 Sore Throat
 Urine Retention
 Yu Syndrome







ST36  •  Zu San Li
Stomach Meridian
Lin Syndrome
Blood Lin
Heat Lin
Overstrain Lin
Qi Lin
Stone Lin
Turbid Lin
Click on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Qi Lin
BL28 • Pang Guang Shu
CV12 • Zhon Guan
CV3 • Zhong Ji
CV6 • Qi Hai
LR2 • Xing Jian
LR3 • Tai Chong
LR8 • Qu Quan
SP9 • Yin Ling Quan
ST36 • Zu San Li
Click on the acupuncture points above for images of location and meridian.



Condition: Lin Syndrome •  Qi Lin
Treatment: Regulate Qi mechanism or urinary bladder, and promote urinary discharge by using points mainly from three Yin meridians of the foot plus some Back-Shu and Front-Mu points
Description: Excess: Difficulty in urination, distending pain in lower abdomen, thin white tongue coating, deep, wiry pulse.

Deficiency: Chronic disease, bearing down sensation in lower abdomen, dribbling of urine after micturition, pale tongue body with thin white coating, thin weak pulse.

Comment: n/a

Point Selection:
BL28 • Pang Guang Shu • In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the level of the second posterior sacral foramen.
Bladder Shu. Back Shu of the Bladder that connects with Front Mu CV3.
Explanation: Regulates Qi of Bladder, promotes urination.

CV12 • Zhon Guan • In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 4 cun superior to the umbilicus.
Central Venter. Front Mu Point of the Stomach that connects with Back Shu BL21. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Lung, Spleen, Stomach, and Triple Energizer Channels.
Explanation: Deficiency. Clear Damp Heat.

CV3 • Zhong Ji • In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun superior to the upper border of the symphysis pubis.
Central Pole. Front Mu Point of the Bladder that connects with Back Shu BL28. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Spleen, Liver and Kidney Channels.
Explanation: Regulates Qi of Bladder, promotes urination.

CV6 • Qi Hai • On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.
Sea of Qi. Front Mu Point for Sea of Qi that connects with Back Shu BL24.
Explanation: Deficiency. Clear Damp Heat.

LR2 • Xing Jian • On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin.
Moving Between. Ying Spring Point on the Liver Channel. Fire Point on Wood Meridian.
Explanation: Clear Liver Jiao Damp Heat, stops pain.

LR3 • Tai Chong • On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsal bones, approximately 2 cun superior to the web margin.
Great Surge. Shu Stream Point on the Liver Channel. Yuan Source Point on the Liver Channel. Earth Point on Wood Meridian.
Explanation: Excess. Regulate Liver Qi, clear Damp Heat from Liver Channel.

LR8 • Qu Quan • One the medial side of the knee, in the depression of the transverse popliteal crease between the upper border of the medial epicondyle of the femur and semitendinosus and semimembranosus tendons.
Spring at the Bend. He Sea Point on the Liver Channel. Water Point on Wood Meridian.
Explanation: Excess. Regulate Liver Qi, clear Damp Heat from Liver Channel.

SP9 • Yin Ling Quan • On the medial leg, on the inferior border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression between the posterior border of the tibia and gastrocnemius muscle.
Yin Mound Spring. He Sea Point on the Spleen Channel. Water Point on Earth Meridian.
Explanation: He-Sea of Spleen, promotes urination.

ST36 • Zu San Li • On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella.
Leg Three Li. He Sea Point on the Stomach Channel. Special Command Point for the Abdomen. Earth Point on the Earth Meridian.
Explanation: Deficiency. Clear Damp Heat.